
Meet Angelo

Angelo Gatto is a visionary, healer, mentor, and guide. For his capacity to live consciously in service to his community, Angelo is indebted to the ancient traditions of Yoga and Native American Spirituality. These are the foundations upon which his life work is built.

Angelo bridges ancient and modern technologies to foster clarity of purpose, personal growth, healthy relationships, healing, and authentic  expressions of the heart.

Personal Biography

I was nurtured first by the Land and Peoples of New York and New Jersey. My early childhood experiences produced within me a deep and abiding trust in the wisdom that arises from nature, as well as a strong desire to explore spirituality and healing.

Unhealed ancestral wounds were also present in my development. As an adolescent I suffered from the trauma of disconnection that had been alive in my family and the culture around me. The impacts of not knowing if I belonged, if I was worthy of love, or capable of offering anything significant to others were evidenced in the choices I made. They showed up in my life as self doubt and hiding and a good dose of rebelliousness. Through healing, grace, initiatory experiences, and very capable teachers, my conscious and unconscious longings to belong and live wholeheartedly in deep relationship with Spirit began to evolve and flourish.

In my twenties, I fell in love with the life and breath of the Pacific Northwest. In 1999 I moved to Port Townsend, Washington where I met and married my beloved and closest friend, Heather Cole Gatto (Sukrutha).

In 2007 I began training in cross cultural indigenous healing ceremonies with one of my life teachers Char Sundust. That education quickly evolved into an apprenticeship in 2009 and in that same year I began a 20 year commitment with Char and her Mother Matilda Laughing Waters in the facilitation of traditional Lakota Initiatory Experiences.

In 2010 Heather gave birth to one of the greatest joys of my life: Satya Stamina Gatto. As a family, we are dedicated to the sacred work of building community from the blessings and generosity that surround us. It is this beautiful journey into the restoration of love, honor and respect, and remembrance of the divine that I share in my work as a healer, teacher, and rites of passage guide.

Teachers & Spiritual Lineage

Angelo's first great teachers of the heart are his parents and ancestors.  Their early lessons of love and support are the foundation from which he extends himself. 

  • 1996: Studied and practiced Reiki hands on healing with Reiki Master and healer Lynn Hundertphund. 

  • 2000: Began to work with and learn from two prominent earth stewards on the Olympic Peninsula - Tinker Cavallaro and Jeanmarie Morelli. His love, education, and work with plants and gardening continues to this day.

  • 2007: Became a student of Mata Amritanandamayi (Amma), a living saint and reflection of soul and service in motion as one.

  • 2007: Became a student of Char Sundust, a spiritual leader, teacher, healer, artist, and reflection of great devotion to the heart. Angelo began intensive training through classes, workshops, rights of passage work, and mentoring with Char at this time, and has continued learning with her as an apprentice from 2009 to the present.

  • 2009: After a ten year immersion in yoga practices and philosophy, became a yoga teacher certified through Baba Hari Dass's Yoga Teacher Training program at the Mount Madonna Center in California.

  • 2009: Participated in ManKind Project’s New Warrior initiation, and has been involved in men’s work and men’s circles ever since.

    2010: Completed a 9 month herbal apprenticeship program with local herbalist Denise Joy.

  • 2010: Began supporting yearly rights of passage ceremonies. In 2011/2012 co-lead a 9 month long program for young men.

  • 2014 - Present: Leads annual youth Rites of Passage programs for young men in Port Townsend, WA.

Angelo continues to deepen his learning in many ways including Yoga, Rites of Passage Ceremonies, Reiki, Shamanic Practitioner Work, Men's Work, Dream Work, Intuitive Work, Leadership and Mentoring Trainings, plant medicine, native plant restoration, and earth stewardship.