
Leadership & Initiation Programs

Where cross-cultural wisdom and practices intersect with your life experiences to form the backbone of a journey into your authentic leadership.  


    The roots of leadership are in our ancestry, our souls, and the stories we carry about ourselves and the world around us. The tools, teachings, and experiences of this seasonal, first year course are inspired by cross-cultural archetypes of the healer, teacher, visionary, and leader as researched by Angeles Arrien.

    In this course we’ll explore spiritual practices, immersing ourselves in meditations, prayer, poetry, and song. Together, we’ll journey into a landscape of intuitive development, healing practices, ancestral and power animal connections, and character qualities of effective leadership.

    Leadership begins at home and in the heart. This is a course for those looking to deepen their leadership skills in both personal and professional arenas, and is a prerequisite for Branches of Leadership (second year circle).



    Learning how to extend ourselves in leadership with responsible use of power and privilege is a lifelong journey. In this second year circle we’ll take a deeper look at our impact, what we stand for, and how to grow in our integrity.

    This is a course for deepening in your prayer, practice, healthy boundaries, and vulnerable leadership. We’ll continue with what we’ve gathered from our first year circle, as we journey on towards the tangible expression of our life dreams.

    We will sail the C’s of leadership, construct a code of ethics, practice walking with sacred intention, and empower our ability to lead through healthy connection to Spirit, Self, Others, and Nature. We’ll also focus on preparations for an optional 4 day initiatory ceremony. This class is a prerequisite for that ceremony.



    What common themes live in the center of positive and lasting transformations? How does one access perspectives that, when applied, uphold what the soul is here to accomplish?

    As a tree grows and transforms, the center of its trunk (the heartwood) becomes a solid pillar of support. Every breath and living function of the tree is upheld by its heartwood.

    These small mentoring circles (groups of 4) are a way to honor and explore the heartwood within, by bringing attention and action that nourishes the rest of our lives from the wisdom we’ve gathered.

    The 4-day initiation ceremony offered at the end of Year 2 is a prerequisite for these group mentoring pods.


Program Curriculum: 

  • Cross-cultural medicine wheel teachings, as researched and developed by Angeles Arrien

  • Responsible use of power and privilege

  • Communication tools and development

  • Intuitive and visionary development

  • Leadership development

  • Community initiatory experiences

  • Prayer, meditation, ceremony, song, poetry, self inquiry, mentorship, and shamanic journeys

  • Life skills for living in healthy relationship and deepening intimacy with Spirit, Self, Others (family, partners, friends, community, etc.), and Nature

About Angelo Gatto

For the past 15 years, Angelo has been engaged in cross-cultural studies and training with Char Sundust, including indigenous healing practices, leadership & visionary development, and individual mentoring. He has been leading and participating in leadership training, personal mentorship, and initiatory rites since 2009. Learn more about Angelo’s background and training.

“There are no manuals for the construction of the individual you would like to become. You are the only one who can decide this and take up the lifetime of work that it demands. This is a wonderful privilege and such an exciting adventure. To grow into the person that your deepest longing desires is a great blessing.”

— John O'Donohue, Eternal Echoes