“The privilege of a lifetime is becoming who you truly are.” - Carl Jung

A spiritual mentor serves as a sacred witness, holding space for the true story of who you are as it unfolds. Attention, inquiry, deep listening, and being lovingly supported within a safe and prayerfully held container become some of the medicines that heal the traumas of separation...from recent to ancestral, personal to cultural,  whether they be mental, emotional, physical, or spiritual. 

In mentorship, we explore the story of you:

  • What are the stories you carry about who you are and how the world around you works?  

  • Where do those stories come from?  How are they impacting your life?  

  • Which ones are empowering you, and which ones  would it be helpful to transform?


The mentor/mentee relationship is birthed, sustained, and strengthened from an earned  trust. Our sessions become a place of soul level transformation where the false stories of self unravel. Over time, my clients' lives increasingly reflect the purpose, passion, and callings of their soul’s longing. 


To achieve this, we attend to the health and well being of the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. We honor and explore symbols, feelings, and the wisdom that emanates from night dreams, day dreams, life dreams, and the circumstances of daily relationships.


In mentorship, I honor your capacity to actively apply the learnings from all these sources, and enact positive changes in the sacred territory of your life. The work we do together brings you into ever deepening life affirming connection with yourself, others, Spirit, and Nature.

The purpose of the mentoring program is to:

  • Empower and support the authentic expression of your gifts, dreams, and wisdom.

  • Strengthen your abilities to trust in self, trust in others, and trust in circumstances through the healing of trauma and through an exercising of discernment that reflects love with wisdom.

  • Foster clarity of purpose and direction.

  • Support the development of visionary gifts and soul practices so that your capacity to access, trust, and apply positive sources of wisdom strengthens over time.

  • Support generative personal and professional relationships and life engendering patterns.

  • Share cross-cultural tools, teachings, and experiences that mend and nourish the mind, heart, body and soul.

One-Hour Private Mentoring Session: $125

For more information about the program or to schedule, contact Angelo

"Working with Angelo, I felt welcomed into prayer and song in a new, deeper way in my life. I appreciated the sacred space we cultivated together, and the rich transformation that occurred through the process of prayer, song, intention, self inquiry, shamanic ritual, readings and community. Angelo holds his students dearly and with such care. His ability to hold multiple truths with love and understanding, and his ability to give feedback in such a gentle and constructive way are two things about Angelo that I really appreciated."

— Alex