Soul Retrieval is an ancient healing ceremony that has been practiced in a variety of forms throughout the world. It is based upon the understanding that challenging life experiences can and sometimes do cause soul loss. 

Traditionally, signs that soul loss had occurred included when a person stopped singing, dancing, listening to stories, or enjoying the sweet sanctuary of silence. In our modern context, we might think of soul loss as a trauma response.

Common signs of soul loss today include, but aren’t limited to:

  • feelings of disassociation

  • depression and anxiety

  • trouble initiating or following through with creative dreams and aspirations 

  • addiction

  • compulsive or self destructive behavior

Soul Retrieval for Trauma Healing

When trauma occurs, whether through accidents, dysfunctional environments, addiction, the loss of an important relationship, or abuse, an essence of our being will sometimes disassociate. In the moment of trauma, part of us leaves the physical body as a self protection mechanism. Because the universe does not allow for empty space, an individual who's experienced soul loss may then absorb energy that isn't theirs. This, in turn, can lead to the symptoms described above.  


Soul Retrieval Ceremony

In a soul retrieval ceremony, Angelo rides the sound of a drum or rattle into an altered state of consciousness.  He collaborates with his Spirit Allies to extract the unwanted energy and retrieve the soul parts or essences of the client.

Often a power animal, guide, or important symbol returns with the newly reunited soul part.  

A soul retrieval ceremony ranges in duration from 2 to 4 hours. You can expect drumming, prayer, singing, rattles, ringing of bells, and feathers to be incorporated as part of this healing ceremony.

To learn more about soul retrievals, Angelo recommends starting with this article by Sandra Ingerman.

Cost: $400

To fully integrate the healing, at least one mentoring session with Angelo is recommended both before and after this ceremony.