A house blessing is a ceremony which creates a clean canvas upon which to live the life you wish to build inside your home or business.

Every home is a gift that comes from the body and breath of mother earth. Over time a home gains emotional and energetic imprints, similar to how fingerprints remain on a glass of water after being held. The main purposes of house or business blessing is to cleanse an area of these imprints, and infuse the structure and space with the current tenants positive intent.

Houses and land can also experience what is known as “soul loss” in much the same way humans do (see Soul Retrievals). In this situation, a shamanic journey is also necessary to retrieve and return these parts back to the house or land.


Blessing Ceremony

Elements of a house blessing entail prayer, a discussion of the history of the home or land, drumming , burning of sage, extraction of unwanted energy, singing, rattling, ringing of bells, and a small shared meal afterwards.

It is common for house blessing ceremonies to last between 4 - 7 hours.   

House or Business Blessing: $500 *

Land Blessing: Sliding Scale

*plus travel expenses if outside the local Port Townsend area